Sunday, February 24, 2008

First Challenge Done!

I too enjoyed this first challenge. I actually got to scrap some pictures I have had around for a while. I also got to use my favorite colors! For a while, I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get this done. I woke up about 12:30 this morning and was just going to quickly check if the challenge had been posted--and it had. So, instead of just leaving it alone, I opened up my PS and started scrapping and GUESS WHAT--MY COMPUTER CRASHED! I reloaded my windows from my disks and my computer worked great except that I could not connect to the internet. After many hours and many tears, I'm back up and running (so far anyway). I am so glad that all my scrapbooking supplies and PS pages are on my external drive and I didn't lose any of that. I am pooped. I haven't been to sleep all day and half the night. I know it will be an early night for me tonight.

First Challenge!

I really like the first challenge for Season 3. The only problem I have is who to pick. Since I have 7 grandchildren I can't single out just one. So I think I will be doing a page about my daughter. She makes me laugh, cry and oh yes sometimes she makes me mad. Now that she is all grown up and has children of her own it amazes her how I did it all when she was young. I had her and her brother, who is just one year older then her, and no help from her dad. It wasn't cool back then for the dads to help with the kids and house. Sure glad that has changed. Makes it a little easier for mothers who also work. I guess I am off to work on this layout. I hope I can get it just right. I really want to show what my daughter means to me. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


We finally have a NEW team blinkie thanks to Trish over at NDISB. I think she did a marvelous job. Now all we have to do is wait until Friday night for the kick off chat. That should be a lot of fun. I have been a really lazy scrapper lately so I am hoping that the Race will get me back into the swing of things again. I am looking forward to the first challenge this weekend and seeing all the creative pages everyone comes up with this time around. Having each challenge in its own place will make it so much easier to see all the pages and to comment on each one (we ALL like a little love now and then). GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!